Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Five

Cheers, it's Friday!

Here are my favorites this week.


Locked Away by R. City Feat. Adam Levine

I'm loving this song.
Can't stop listening to it.


The Intern

This movie looks so funny.
I love Robert DeNiro and cannot
wait to see him as an intern.


YSL Touche Eclat Blur Primer

I picked up a sample of this after Biana recommend it.
My thoughts, you ask?? This stuff is awesome.
It melts into your skin and really does
a wonderful job of blurring the imperfections on my face.
Love love love this stuff. It's worth the money.
As Biana recommended, go to Sephora and get a sample
before you buy it. It is very expensive for a primer.
Try before you buy but I love it.

Neiman Marcus


 Why a Chanel bag is never just a Chanel bag.
Totally some truth to this.

Reese Witherspoon on the secrets of Southern Style.
Love Reese

Princess Diana inspired Christian Louboutin to design his 
first pair of shoes and they were not high heels.
I own these shoes.

Bill and Giuliana Rancic's Chicago Home 
Their new home is beautiful.


Love this.

That wraps up my Friday Five.
The only thing I have planned
for this weekend a mani and pedi. 
After the last two weeks, I feel
that I deserve some pampering.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

What are your favorites this week??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!
Best, Marie

Linking up with Amanda

Linking up with April

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  1. So funny we both mentioned the intern movie today - I can't even wait to see it - look hilarious! I'm so glad you are loving the primer - I'm almost out so I'll be repurchasing and only using for special occasions!! The bottle it comes in is gorgeous!!! Hope you have a fabulous weekend!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. that movie def looks so cute! loving the chanel and loubs links you posted - saving them for some reading! i would love a chanel bag someday but it's hard for me to bite the bullet! have a happy friday dear!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  3. I am super excited about the Intern. It looks so good and De Niro can do no wrong.

    Love all the articles you shared, checking them all out now. B&G have such great taste.

    Happy Friday to you, gorgeous!

  4. Such a fun fact about Princess Di and Christian Louboutin! Happy Friday gurlie <3

  5. Happy Friday!! Thanks for sharing all your faves! Looking forward to checking out the links you included now. ;) Have a fabulous upcoming weekend!! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  6. I really want to see The looks cute!

  7. I really want to see The looks cute!

  8. Love the Locked Away song! Also can't wait for The Intern!!

  9. What a great read about Princess Diana and the Chanel one. Both super interesting! I'm glad you are pampering yourself this weekend you deserve it girl! I got a sample of that primer as well and I can't wait to try it!

  10. Love Bill & Guiliana's home here. They have fabulous taste. I've seen them around the city a few times too. :-) I'll have to check out that primer and other YSL makeup too, since a few of you ladies have mentioned how great it is. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend! :-)

  11. Oh, that is such a great quote (and so applicable to many situations!). I'm heading out for a mani/pedi soon, hope you enjoy yours too! xoxo B | The Sequin Notebook

  12. I can't wait to watch The Intern! It looks so good! Have a great weekend, lady! :)

  13. The Intern looks really funny! Have a great weekend :)

  14. The intern looks hilarious! I want to see it too!

  15. Do you feel like you could use the primer alone?

  16. aw that movie looks so funny1 i want to see it. i hadn't heard that song before, thanks for sharing!

  17. The Intern sounds so funny! I love that quote too, such a great reminder.

  18. The Intern looks really funny! I love Reese's style so I am looking forward to reading the article.

  19. The intern does look really good and what song is ever bad w Adam Levine?! Have a great mani/pedi! I hope they give you extra massage (that's my favorite part). Trish - tales from trish

  20. I want to see the Intern, I've heard good reviews! Adam Levine adds such a richness to any song! Adore the quote; adore YOU! Happy weekend friend!!

  21. That movie looks hilarious! I never go to the movies but I might make an exception for that one. And loving that YSL primer!
    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  22. Ohhhhh I remember seeing Biana talk about that YSL stuff, I am going to have to grab a sample if you are backing it too! Have a great weekend!!!

  23. that movie looks funny! thanks for sharing.

  24. Oh yes "The Intern" looks so funny! I also want to see "Train Wreck" and "Straight Out of Compton" and new movie with Johnny Depp where he plays Whitey Bulger.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

  25. I love this list!
    Melanie @

  26. Oh gosh, I think I really need to get that primer now. Obsessed with B&G, I was always looking for them when I lived in Chicago but no luck!

  27. I love that quote. If it's meant to be, it will be. This just shows that we need to just take it slow sometimes! I hope you had a great weekend!


  28. i can't wait to see that movie too! and to check out your links. interesting about the princess di inspiration! who knew?

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