Friday, January 31, 2014

Game Time

Game Time


This weekend is Super Bowl XLVIII. 
For the first time, the game is being played in an outdoor stadium in a cold city, New Jersey.  Previously, when the game was played in a "cold" city, the game was played in an indoor stadium. While, I'm not a fan of football, I do watch some of the big game but only for the commercials and the half time show. HA!

Last year, the M&M's commercial was my favorite. 

I'm looking forward to seeing the commercials this year. I know there are some floating around the web but I haven't watched them. 
I'm also excited to see Bruno Mars Halftime show, I love his music and I hear he puts on a really good show. We shall see.


Will you be watching the Big Game??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree

PS-I'm rooting for the Broncos. 
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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wish List Wednesday

Wish List Wednesday

I'm wishing for...

Valentino Tote Bag
Pim + Larkin Ciao Sweater
NARSissist Cheek Kit
The Laundress Fabric Spray
J.Crew Plaid Scarf
Heart Paper Clips

What's on your Wish List??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday Morning Gossip-Insta-Lately

Linking up with Leeann for Monday Morning Gossip.

Today I'm gossiping about my obsession with Instagram!!

Are you obsessed with Instagram as much as I am?? 
I check it at least three times a day. 
I just love it. 
It's a sick obsession.
I'm Mree43 and JenniSixx is JenniSixx.

Much thanks to Leeann for letting me link up.

Check out her blog, Join the Gossip, it's one of my daily reads.

Are you on Instagram?? 
Let me know what your user name is 
so that I can follow you.
Best, Mree

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Friday, January 24, 2014

The Blues

The Blues


This week's outfit was inspired by the weather. 
It's been snowy and FREEZING here. It's Polar Vortex Part Two!! 
Although to be completely, honest, I love it. I love cold snowy weather but it does have me pulling towards the color blue. 
 Perhaps, I have a touch of SAD, Seasonal affective disorder.


I have no plans this weekend but to just chill out. Work has been crazy busy (January is one of our busiest months in the office) and I just need a break.

What are your weekend plans??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree

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Monday, January 20, 2014

52 Week Money Challenge

Linking up with Leann for Monday Morning Gossip.

Today's I'm gossiping about the 52 Week Money Challenge.

I came across this last year on Pinterest and decided to try it.
 Honestly, I really didn't think I would stick to it.
 I'm happy to report that I did stick to it and I actually did it double, 
so at the end of the year I saved a over $2700.
It's my FUN money.

This really is a great little challenge and can be easily done.
Although, those last few weeks were a bit rough,
especially since it was the holiday season.

There are so many ways to save but this one 
is really fun and you can change it up to suit you.

Much thanks to Leeann for letting me link up.

Check out her blog, Join The Gossip, it's one of my daily reads.

Have you tried the 52 Week Challenge??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday's Outfit-Spring Fever

Spring Fever


The weather here in Boston is just crazy!! 
Last week its was below zero, this week is has been in the 50's. 
However, by this weekend the cold weather will be returning.
The warmer days have made me dream of the days of spring. 
Hence, my outfit today is spring like which I based on those Chloe flats. 
Tell me those flats aren't adorable!!


Are you getting spring fever??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree

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Monday, January 13, 2014

90 years young


This weekend we celebrated my Grandmother's 90th birthday!!
We took her to her favorite restaurant, The Bristol Lounge.
It was a wonderful time as always.

My grandma is simply amazing. 
JenniSixx and I are blessed to have her in our lives. 
We don't know where we would be without her love, guidance and support.
She always wanted twin girls and she got them in her grandchildren.
She loves telling everyone that she has twin granddaughters.
Twins weren't really around when we were little.

Today, in honor of her, 
I wanted to share some of my grandmother's words of wisdom.

 Be grateful for what you have. 
For someone else, will always have more than you and
someone will always have less than you. 

People believe only what they what to believe.

Don't compare yourself to others,
no two people are alike.

Don't put off today for tomorrow.

Laugh alot, it helps.

Age is just a number, you are only as old as you feel.

You don't know what the future holds, thank God!!

No one person has it all. 
That's life.

Never leave the house without lipstick on,
You will look half dead.

Happy 90th Birthday, MeMe!!!
I would be nothing without you!!
I love you!!

Best, Mree

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Friday, January 10, 2014

Polar Vortex

Polar Vortex


Thanks to the Polar Vortex it has been FREEZING cold here in Boston. 
Bone chilling cold. 
It's so cold that it is actually painful to go outside.
As someone who isn't usually cold, this week I have been freezing!!!
Crazy enough, this weekend it is suppose to be in the 50's.
Hello, Crazy Weather!!


What do you do to keep warm??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wish List Wednesday

Wish List Wednesday

I'm wishing for...

Marc by Marc Jacobs Scarf
Michael Michael Kors Satchel
DL1961 Emma Legging
Monogram Uggs

This week's wish list consists of warm clothing and of course a new purse.
It's been so cold here that
What's on your wish list??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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