Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday Morning Gossip & Weeekending-7 Facts about me.

Linking up with Leann Kimberlee for Monday Morning Gossip.
Linking up with B Loved BostonChampagne and Surburbs for Weekending.

Happy Monday.

Today, I'm playing a game. 

My blogger pal, Jess, nominated me for the 7 Facts About Me game.

Here goes.

1)  I only drink ice coffee.

 Even when its below zero, I will get ice coffee.
Love love love it!! 
Oh and I prefer flavored coffee.
French Vanilla is my favorite.

2)  I HATE having my photo taken.

However, I love love taking pictures. 
My Twinee, JenniSixx LOVES having her picture taken but not me.
I love taking pictures of everything but cringe every time someone takes my picture.

3) I'm super sensitive.

I take everything personal and to heart. 
Everyone who knows me knows how sensitive I am including my bosses.
It's both my best and worse quality.
In fact, I'm so sensitive that I'm happy to give some of it to Brad Pitt.

4) I always talk for my twin.

My Twinee was painfully shy when she was little so I would do all the talking for her.
I still do it til this day. Like all the time. 
And yes, I have pretended to be her.

5) I'm a purse addict.

I LOVE purses, they are my favorite thing to buy.
I have so many that my grandmother jokes, they need their own apartment. Ha.
 At last count, I had well over 50. 

6) I think my first name is an old lady name.

It's Marie for those wondering. 
Go to any bakery on or before a Holiday and I can GUARANTEE 
there is an elderly lady name Marie in the crowd. 
I go crazy when people call me Maria. 
That is NOT my name! 
But I don't mind if you call me Jenn (my Twinee's name).
It always makes me laugh when people confuse us 
since we look nothing alike.

7) I love being a twin.
It's who I am and I would never not want to be a twin.
She has been my best friend since we were wombmates.
Although, I wouldn't mind my own birthday cake!!

Well, that wraps up 7 facts about me.

I'm nominating JenniSixx, Rebecca, and Amanda.

Thanks for reading!!
What is a fact about you??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!

Best, Mree

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Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday's Favorites

Linking up with Meet @ the Barre.



Problem by Pentatonix (Ariana Grande Cover)

I love Pentatonix!! 
They are so incredibly  talented.
Check out their Ariana Grande Cover of Problem. 


Alterna Bamboo Volume 48hr Spray

This stuff is so fab.
 It totally makes my hair more voluminous
and doesn't weigh it  down.The key to using this,is to spray it all over my hair,
not just on my roots.  It totally has made a difference.
I totally have BIG HAIR when I use it. Love me some big hair.
Ok, not crazy big but you know what I mean.



1) The 20 Most Memorable Quotes from 'Friends' series. 
No. 18 is my favorite quote!!

2) Ten September Style Tips.
Happy Fall.

3) 51 Thoughts Everyone Has While Browsing Social Media.
So freaking funny!!


This was too funny not to share.
Kids are too funny.



Words to live by.
Always trust your gut.
Recently,  I went against my better and judgement and well,
let's just say, I will not be making that mistake again.
I will be trusting my intuition and nothing else.


That  wraps up my Friday Favorites.
Don't have any plans for the weekend other than getting my hair cut.
Haven't had it cut or colored in months and it's time.
Maybe do a little shopping while in town as well.


What are your favorites this week??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Monday, September 22, 2014

Monday Morning Gossip & Weekending

Linking up with Leann Kimberlee for Monday Morning Gossip.
Linking up with B Loved BostonChampagne and Surburbs for Weekending.

Ugh, Monday.
Why do you come so quickly??
I ended up taking Friday off and it was so blissful having two days off in a row!!
I totally need to do it more often.

On Friday, JenniSixx had a dentist  appointment and I went with her.
She hates going, so I go with her and sit in the room with her.
Yea, I'm a really nice sister.
Then we went and had lunch at Wagamama.
 We did not care for the food at all.
Won't be going there again.
After that, we headed to the bookstore to 
catch up on some magazine reading.
It was a nice relaxing day.
I also,headed over to the Apple store to see the 
new iPhone 6 and 6plus.
They are huge phones. 
So looking forward to mine arriving!!

On Saturday, JenniSixx and I headed to Woodstock, Vermont for the day.

What a great little town to visit.
It's so picturesque and pretty.

We had so much fun walking around town.

If you are looking for a quintessential New England town, 
Woodstock, Vermont is the town to visit.
Between both of us, we took over 100 pictures. 
Our pictures don't do this place justice.
Woodstock is totally a beautiful little town.
They have cute little shops and great places to eat.
We highly recommend a visit.

How was your weekend??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree

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