Happy Monday!!
Can you believe it is, the end of April??
Although, I didn't think it was ever going to end. The weather
has just been crappy. So over all the cloudy, cold, and rainy days.
Here is what caught my eye last week.
I will be honest, I'm not the biggest Taylor Swift fan. However,
I'm loving her new song!! Love it!! And the video, I love
all the pastels!! Also, this line..."And you can't spell
"awesome" without me"...Oh, it's so fab!!
Give it a listen.
The Tulips have bloomed at the Boston Public Gardens.
Thankfully, we had a nice sunny day so I was able to
walk over and take a few pictures.
I absolutely love the Tulips but you gotta go
quick, they are usually only up for two weeks.
Last year, I missed them, so I was thrilled to
see them this year.
Yes, of course Louie had to get in the pictures.
She loves getting her picture taken.
Are you a fan of Taylor and/or Tulips??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie