Monday, January 29, 2018

Three Things with Marie & Jenn

I saw this over at Nadine's blog and just had 
to steal it. LOL. You all love when Jenn and I do
these types of post. So here ya go!!

Three foods I hate and refuse to eat

1. Seafood-all even tuna.
2. Eggplant
3. Chicken Parm

1. Kale
2. Nuts
3. Sushi
Three foods I love and eat more of than I should

1. Cheese Pizza
2. Bagels
3. Honey Roasted Virginia Peanut Nuts

1. Steak
2. Pasta
3. Candy
Three things chores I avoid until absolutely necessary
1. Laundry
2. Cleaning my makeup brushes.

3. Cleaning the bathroom

1. Laundry
2. Cleaning the bathroom
3. Vaccuming
Three chores I always do

1. Dust 
2. Take out the trash
3. Clean the bathroom sink

1. Dust
2. Wash the dishes
3. Take out the trash

Three wardrobe staples

1. Black pants
2. Poncho/Cape
3. Stripe tops

1. Skinny jeans
2. Black shirt or sweater or hoodie.
3. Van Slip ons.

Three things I don’t spend money on

1. Toothpaste -Jenn buys it
2. Splenda-I take it from my Mom's house
3. Gas-I use Jenn's car!! It always has
gas in it. 

I spend money on everything!!

Three things I do spend money on

1. Iced Coffee
2. Makeup
3. Purses
I wear Old Navy but carry Louie!

1. Food
2. Clothes
3. Makeup
Three TV shows I frequently watch in reruns
I hardly watch tv these days.

1. Friends
2. Law and Order SVU
3. Impractical Jokers

Three genres I generally don’t read

1. Horror
2. Science Fiction
3. Over the top Romance.
Don't shoot me but I'm not a
 fan of Nicholas Sparks.

1. Love/Romance
2. Science Fiction
3. History

Three things I’m looking forward to this year

1. NYC next month.
2. Only working five days a week.
3. A twin trip with Jenn. 
1. Machine Head Concert
2. Pearl Jam at Fenway Park in September.
3. A twin trip with Marie. 

And that is us in three. 
Although, I really want to say that's us in two!
haha get it? Yeah, I think I'm funny,
I'm not. 

It's your turn now, tell us three things 
about you! We love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie & Jenn
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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

January Wish List

Wish List

With this cold weather, I have found myself 
inside more than not; which then leaves me plenty 
of time to browse online. As I have said many times, I'm
not a big online shopper but I do browse (maybe a bit too much).

Here is what has caught my eye.

Highlighting Powder

Concealer Creme

Zipped Tote

Card Holder

Cameo Pump

House Lantern

Berries Scented Candle

Ruffle Cuff Stripe Dress

Ruffle Top

Peplum Hem Tee

Dior Forever Foundation

Eye Mask


I have been trying to be very good
and only buy things that I need or really
love. There is no room in my closet (or my house)
for things that I don't love.  How many things have
I purchased that I end up regretting?? I plead the fifth
on that one but life is too short for regret!!

What's on your wish list??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Coffee Talk..Monday Edition

Can we talk??

Does anyone remember the skit on 
Saturday Night Live (SNL), called
or am I'm dating myself here??

Does anyone even watch SNL anymore??
I'm the first to admit I haven't watched in
some time. Yikes, how many questions have
 I just asked? Anyways, I thought it would be fun to
have a little coffee talk.

Here goes...

..It's mid January (already) and I sort of feel like I'm running on fumes.
Perhaps it's the weather but I just feel blah. Am I the only one who
feels like this?? Guess, the January blues do exist.

...What is up with Instagram?
 I know I have complained about it 
before but it seems even worse now. My feed is always pictures
from days ago or ads?? Why can't they go back to way it was?

....I have been trying to limit my soda intake 
but I love me some diet ginger ale.
 It's so bad.

...I was planning a vacation only to realize I would 
be away for Easter. I have never missed a holiday with 
my Grandmother, so I had to change the dates.
I know my Grandmother wouldn't mind but I couldn't
live with it. At her age, well, everyday I get with her
is a blessing. 

...We always go out for brunch for Easter and I know 
she thoroughly enjoys it and I don't like to disappoint her.
Again, at her age...

...I hear a lot of people complain about getting older
and I really want to tell them to stop. Yes, getting older
is difficult but think about how many people get denied that.
My friend's sister's baby passed away at 9 months old.
Do you know how much she would give to have just one
more day with him? So, take every day as a blessing as it is
a gift.

Well that wraps up my Coffee Talk.
Now it's your turn, tell me
what is on your mind??
I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie 
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Wednesday, January 10, 2018


Today I'm sharing all the things I'm loving.
Truth be told, I own all of these products as
most were Christmas and/or Birthday gifts.

Tocca Florence Perfume

High Beam

Illuminating Face Mask

Hair Ties

Waterproof Snow Boots


Eye Patches



Fleece Lined Leggings

I truly do love them and have been using them non-stop. 
With this crazy cold weather we have been having (it's been so cold,
even for a cold weather lover like me), I have been all
about being warm and comfortable. Looking cute, or good
has been secondary. I mean, it's absolutely freezing out!
Not getting frostbite is most important which can happen
in less than 30 minutes in this arctic like weather.
Although, it's now in the 30's which is literally
like a heat wave. You can go outside and it's
not that bad. Lol.

What are you loving lately?? 
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie 

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Monday, January 8, 2018

TBB Asks...New Year, New You

Hi!!! The twins are back in action for 2018. After
 a holiday break (we hope you had a wonderful 
holiday season)we are back with another TBB Asks.
Funny enough, our "twin" posts are the most
 popular around here.  Since it is a New Year, we thought 
this was a great post to kick off the new year.
Pun, much? Yes!!

TBB Asks...New Year, New You.

1. Resolutions or No Resolutions? 
Marie- Yes, always.
Jenn- Never!!

2. Love snow or No Snow?
Marie-LOVE it.
Jenn- HATE it.

3. Name a New Place you want to go this year? 
Marie- Idaho 
Jenn- Idaho
*our friend lives there and we haven't seen her in like
forever, ok it's been like 8 years.*

4. Would you rather have a new Hair cut or Hair color? 
Marie- Hmm...both, I just added more highlights to my hair
and I'm really loving the look of it.
Jenn-Neither. I hate cutting my hair and I always
have it black, jet black. 

5. Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year? 
Marie- Get in shape.
Jenn- actually lose weight, 
like a significant amount, not just a few pounds

6. Least Favorite thing about January? 
Marie- I have big deadline at work and dread it
every single year.
Jenn- the freezing cold weather! 

7. Most Favorite thing about January? 
Marie-  Meme's Birthday.
Jenn- It's my Grandmother's  (Meme) Birthday month.
She will be 94. Her sister has the same birthday (four years
apart) and she will be 98. 

8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations? 
Marie- After Little Christmas (January 6th)
Jenn- Whenever Marie tells me to do it.

9. Do you diet in January? 
Marie- I will be this year.
Jenn- Haha!!

10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most? 
Marie- My closets, totally need to re-organize them again.
Jenn- My bedroom.

11. Favorite Winter Comfort Food? 
Jenn- Beef Burgundy.

12. Favorite Guilty Pleasure?
Marie- chocolate covered gummi bears.
Jenn- Cheesy's 80's Love Songs.

Now it's your turn, what are your answers??
 Leave them below in the comments.
We love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie & Jenn

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