Monday, January 29, 2018

Three Things with Marie & Jenn

I saw this over at Nadine's blog and just had 
to steal it. LOL. You all love when Jenn and I do
these types of post. So here ya go!!

Three foods I hate and refuse to eat

1. Seafood-all even tuna.
2. Eggplant
3. Chicken Parm

1. Kale
2. Nuts
3. Sushi
Three foods I love and eat more of than I should

1. Cheese Pizza
2. Bagels
3. Honey Roasted Virginia Peanut Nuts

1. Steak
2. Pasta
3. Candy
Three things chores I avoid until absolutely necessary
1. Laundry
2. Cleaning my makeup brushes.

3. Cleaning the bathroom

1. Laundry
2. Cleaning the bathroom
3. Vaccuming
Three chores I always do

1. Dust 
2. Take out the trash
3. Clean the bathroom sink

1. Dust
2. Wash the dishes
3. Take out the trash

Three wardrobe staples

1. Black pants
2. Poncho/Cape
3. Stripe tops

1. Skinny jeans
2. Black shirt or sweater or hoodie.
3. Van Slip ons.

Three things I don’t spend money on

1. Toothpaste -Jenn buys it
2. Splenda-I take it from my Mom's house
3. Gas-I use Jenn's car!! It always has
gas in it. 

I spend money on everything!!

Three things I do spend money on

1. Iced Coffee
2. Makeup
3. Purses
I wear Old Navy but carry Louie!

1. Food
2. Clothes
3. Makeup
Three TV shows I frequently watch in reruns
I hardly watch tv these days.

1. Friends
2. Law and Order SVU
3. Impractical Jokers

Three genres I generally don’t read

1. Horror
2. Science Fiction
3. Over the top Romance.
Don't shoot me but I'm not a
 fan of Nicholas Sparks.

1. Love/Romance
2. Science Fiction
3. History

Three things I’m looking forward to this year

1. NYC next month.
2. Only working five days a week.
3. A twin trip with Jenn. 
1. Machine Head Concert
2. Pearl Jam at Fenway Park in September.
3. A twin trip with Marie. 

And that is us in three. 
Although, I really want to say that's us in two!
haha get it? Yeah, I think I'm funny,
I'm not. 

It's your turn now, tell us three things 
about you! We love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie & Jenn
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  1. I knew Louis would be on this list somewhere!!! Such a fun survey! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I love these 3 things surveys. I feel like I'm mostly Jenn with a splash of Marie.

  3. ha these are too fun. also no one likes to clean the bathroom haha. i hear that!

    xoxo cheshire kat

  4. Haha. Had to laugh about taking spends from moms house.

  5. Me too laughing over the Splenda from your moms and agreeing...why do I never wash out my makeup brushes and boo to laundry! This was so fun pretty Girlies!

  6. YES to Impractical Jokers! And wearing Old Navy, but carry a Louie. I'm all about investing in pieces that are used every day like a bag <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. Friends and SVU are two shows we watch on repeat all the time. I am also one to buy my clothes on clearance but have a designer purse! I don't have a Louie but I have a few MK and Kate Spade. I am not a fan of seafood either. I love sushi rolls but hate any other seafood. I know...I am weird. I love these posts, they are always so fun! I hope you both have a fabulous week!

  8. I think it’s hilarious that y’all both tend to avoid the same chores! I don’t mind doing laundry I just hate to put it away. And I can’t believe that y’all don’t do seafood or sushi!

  9. Haha I love Jen's response about what she doesn't spend money on! I'm with both of you on the chores I dread doing! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  10. Haha I love this! Give me all the cheese pizza and I'm the exact same way, I'll be rocking Old Navy and a Louis at the same time haha!

  11. I agree with Marie about not reading Horror. I can't handle that genre. I read just about every other genre but that one.

  12. What a great post! I'm with you on vacuuming and laundry! Besides nuts, I don't eat any of the foods you two listed. I'm also with you on Nicholas Sparks, Marie. Hahah!

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