Linking up with Meet @ the Barre.
First, JenniSixx and I would like to thank everyone for their sweet words about Monday's post.
It meant the world to us both.
From the bottom of our hearts,
Thank you!!
Shake it off by Taylor Swift
I finally heard this song the other day and was like
woah, this is pretty good and I'm not the biggest Taylor Swift fan.
I really don't care about her personal life.
They make way too much out of it.
Great song for sitting in traffic.
Plus, it's a great song to sing along to.
Right, JenniSixx??
1) The key to being a well-dressed woman is having your clothes tailored.
2) How to live healthy on a budget.
3) The demons inside Alexander McQueen and his muse Isabella Bow.
I had this on my wish list last week and the other day my friend was telling me how
it's her new favorite foundation.
Of course, I had to go right out and try it. This foundation is fab!!
It's very light but covers like a dream. I couldn't believe it.
The foundation is very much like the Marc Jacobs one.
However, this one covers better.
As much as I love my Marc Jacobs foundation,
I might have to purchase this when my sample runs out.
I love the light feeling and coverage it offers.
YSL Foundation |
Baby Got Class by The Holderness Family.
JenniSixx sent me this the other day and I was on the floor laughing.
I love this family and secretly wish I was as cool as they were.
This video is a perfect for this time of year.
Doesn't everyone love Back to School.
Or is it just me cause I love school supplies.
Perhaps it's due to the end of summer but I have found people to be grumpy lately.
It's really starting to get on my nerves.
In fact, I was somewhere the other day and almost everyone in the place was in a bad mood.
Maybe it was due to the heat and humidity.
Who knows but kindness can go a long way.
If people were a little more kind, the world would be a better place.
That wraps up my Friday Favorites.
Sad to say that it's the end of summer.
Can you believe it's Labor Day Weekend??
Wow, did summer go by fast!!
Secretly, I'm excited for the fall.
I just love the crisp cool weather.
Although, I really miss the extra daylight but
I LOVE Sweater Weather.
What are your favorites this week??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree