Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Fancies- Autumn Lust List

                                  Linking up with {av} for Friday's Fancies.

Autumn Lust List


The Fall is one of my favorite times of the year! I love the cool crisp air along with those delicious pumpkin spice lattes at the coffee shops. Of course, I always lust after a few of the new fall goodies in the stores.

I really picked out some budget breaking items for my list since it was my LUST list. What can I say, I have champagne tastes on a beer budget! 

 How gorgeous is that Alexander McQueen dress?? I would love to have something like that in my closet! Actually, I would like all of the above items in my closet! LOL. 

Much thanks to {av} for letting me link up for Friday's Francies. Check out her blog Long Distance Loving, it's fab.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

What's on your Autumn Lust List? 
 Let me know, I love hearing from you.

Best, M.

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  1. Ohh I am loving that bag and that bracelet!

  2. i love that gorgeous, wine-colored frock! it would be stunning paired with tights & stilletos.

  3. That dress is gorgeous! Love it!

    xo, Emily

  4. That bag is amazing!!! I would LOVE to add that to my closet... a girl can dream!

  5. That burgundy/wine color?! AMAZING! Great picks, friend! xoxo {av}

  6. Love the color of that dress & of course that bag is amazing!


  7. i am DEFINITELY with you on this!!! burgundy is gonna be so hot for fall.. and i'm wishing/lusting for some gorgeous diamond earrings hehe!


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