Wednesday, February 28, 2018

I've got my HEART on you.

My name is Marie and I have an obsession  with hearts. 

Rose Gold Heart Earrings
Makeup Bag
Stripe Heart Flats
Heart Bowls

Oversized Heart Dagger Sweatshirt

Heart Bracelet

Heart Earrings

Slip on sneakers

Heart Sweater

Makeup Sponges

Shoulder Bag


While I'm not a hopeless romantic (just hopeless),
I always smile when I see a heart. I can't explain it
but whenever I see a heart, I'm drawn to it. It 
maybe childish but I don't care. We have 
all symbol that we are drawn to (Jenn loves
 the musical symbol), mine just happens to be a heart.

Are you drawn to a symbol??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie 

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  1. Well your obsession could be worse LOL! I can't say that I've thought about a symbol I'm drawn to but hearts do make me smile! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Both pairs of earrings are so pretty!

  3. I love that heart sweater. I just need a sweater with hearts on teh sleeve ;) Such a pun-ster ;)

  4. love it! i love the heart dagger one ha. of course i do. and the gucci ones. i mean. of course. :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. Oh man meee too! These are so cute!

  6. Oh my gosh - those stripe heart flats! I love them! I don't have anything with hearts on it (I know...what?!) but I think I need to start seeking some!

  7. I love hearts too and those flats, well, my heart be still! Soooo great!

  8. I love everything with hearts on it as well. So many cute things.

  9. I'm a huge lover of pineapples! I swear that I have them everywhere in our house and at my office!

  10. So many cute things! I think the rose gold heart earrings are my fave! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  11. I need those flats! I tend to be drawn towards anything with pineapples or of course anything that sparkles <3
    Green Fashionista


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