Monday, February 1, 2016

Reading, 2016


Inspired by Kerry & Kristen, I'm making 
an effort to read a book a month.

Currently, I'm reading 

Drums of Autumn by
Diana Gabaldon


Its' the 4th book in The Outlander Series.
It's so freaking long that it may take 
me a little longer than expected.

Here is where I need your help,
what should I read next??

I like to read something else before
I jump into the fifth book in The Outlander Series.

To be honest, I would like to read something that 
isn't so long. haha

I would love to hear your suggestions!!

What are you reading? 
What is your favorite book??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!
Best, Marie 

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  1. I finished the balance project a few weeks ago and really liked it!! I need something to read (like 5 somethings) for my long flight this month! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  2. I think that is a very attainable goal one book a month is usually about Mine too. I just finished the luckiest girl alive and it wasn't quite as good as I thought it was gonna be but still worth the read. I hope your week is off to great start sweet lady!

  3. i'm not reading anything yet this month, but i have a plane ride this week, so i'll pick something soon :)

  4. everyone says to read the outlander series - they are all addicted! i am just hoping to finish a book this year, haha. i aim low :)

    xoxo cheshire kat

  5. I managed to somehow read 10 books in January! Which I think is absolutely crazypants. I know it will not keep up with this all year... but I had so much fun! I am doing recaps/reviews of the books tomorrow on the blog if you want to look for one! I would just recommend...but I don't know what type of books you like! Do you use goodreads?! XO -Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  6. i haven't read jack! damn work is messing things up :(

  7. Have you read The Royal We? I feel like everyone has by now but if not it's such a cute and easy read. Perfect after a long book! I'm reading The Paris Apartment right now. Not bad. <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  8. I typically read way more than one book a month, but my work life has been so intense, I try to AT LEAST read one a month now haha. Sad.

  9. Yeah for books. I think one book a month is totally manageable. I am doing a book challenge and it's making me read slower than normal.

  10. I have such a hard time getting reading time, but I think I will have to make some for this series.


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  11. Man, I have such a hard time squeezing in reading time but I sure do love it! I'm still reading The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, but I'm ready for a fiction book!

  12. I keep hearing amazing things about this series, I need to check it out <3
    Green Fashionista

  13. Good job!! Sounds interesting. I am reading a book about cleaning-up, how exciting. hahah.

  14. I always think that reading is a great thing to try and do more of during the year! If you love Young Adult books you should give Red Queen or the Lunar Chronicles a try! I've loved all of those books!

  15. I'm currently reading the husbands secret! It is taking me so long to get through it because I am incredibly busy right now.. wish I could read it faster it's sooo good ahha

  16. That is such an awesome goal to reach a book a month! I really wish I had more time to read, I need to try this goal too! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  17. What type of book are you looking for? Sometimes you just need a break from a series.

  18. I always aim to read soooo many books, and then...I read 0. So I love your one/month goal!

  19. What kind of books do you like (other than not long lol)? I'm currently reading The Restaurant Critic's Wife, but I recently finished The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend and it was REALLY good!

  20. How are the Outlander books? I am always look for new things to read...especially if they are longer because then they last!

  21. oh jeez i am still stuck on the 2nd book hahaha. but seriously they are so long so i feel your pain. i have approx 1 million recommendations soooooo depends on what you like haha. have you read any liane moriarty books?

  22. I haven't read at all this year yet, I really need to get back into it! One of my favorite books from last year was Me Before You - shorter and an easy read!


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