Monday, July 27, 2015


I was tagged by the lovely Kate to list
 ten loves and ten hates.

Here goes.


1) The color PINK. 
2) Purses- they are my favorite thing to purchase. 
3) Iced coffee- especially flavored Iced Coffee
4) Pop music-I pretty much like all music except for metal.
5) Traveling- love seeing the world
6) Baseball- I just love the game.
7) Taking pictures
8) Kindness
9) Norman Reedus-my celebrity crush.
10) French Bread-ooh with a little butter, yum.


1) Rudeness-manners are dying.
2) Mean people -the world needs more kindness
3) Traffic-makes me ragey.
4) Fakes-all kinds, people, purses, etc.
5) Bad coffee.
6) Rain-my hair hates it too.
7) Chipped Nails
8) Crowds-I get major anxiety when in a crowd of people.
9) Ageing- it breaks my heart seeing my Grandmother getting more and more
frail as she ages. I miss walking the mall with her. 
10) People who pretend to have perfect lives-no one does.

What are your love and hates??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!
Best, Marie

Linking up with Biana Meghan for Weekending.

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  1. i get crowd anxiety too, but i am getting better at it. living in atl makes it a must. crowds everywhere.

  2. your purse collection is, to me, something most people only dream about :) i just want them all! and who doesn't love pink? :) and i agree with all those hates too - down to the bad coffee - no thanks!

  3. I'm so with you on your love of purses :) and no to chipped nails - it's fine on others but if my nails are chipped all the nail polish needs to come off! xo, biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Pink is my favourite colour as well and I love purses and well travel is my thing!
    Lets not get started on how much I detest traffic!

  5. Pink is my favorite color too! Traffic also makes me so ragey- especially because I drive about 5.5 miles to work and it takes between a half hour and hour. Drives. Me. Crazy!

    Southern Belle Secrets

  6. I am so with you on so many of these things!!!! Except maybe baseball, sorry. Just never got in to that sport. I get some crowd anxiety myself, I hate going places I know are going to be super packed. Ugh! Mainly because people suck haha!

  7. ageing is definitely a hate for me! i laughed at your fakes, 'people, purses etc' lol. very true. and french bread... swoon yes please all day every day!

  8. I can totally get behind Kindness and Norman Reedus. Yum! Traffic is the bane of my existence or just my work week! Whatevs.

  9. Traffic drives me pretty nutty.... Ice coffee and traveling are some of my faves too!

  10. Yes to flavored iced coffee! I've never been a hot coffee fan. And traffic makes me ragey too. It's awful!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  11. ice coffee!! so good. i've recently started brewing cold-brew ice coffee...less bitter!

  12. Love this list! So much fun! Norman Reedus is so amazing. Thanks for linking up today!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  13. Traffic, fake people and chip nails.......the worst! Nobody has a perfect life that is for sure! Can I add to the list? Sleeping in. That is my absolute favorite love in the this world right now ;-)

  14. Hahaha oh yes Norman Reedus quit the hottie! And yes manners are dying even in the corporate/professional world. I use to work with a woman who ate with her mouth open and talked...ugh

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  15. LOVE kindness!! And baseball, traveling, taking pictures..
    I'm not a big fan of rude, fake, mean either!

  16. How fun! I love baseball too!

  17. I agree with allll of your hates! I'm a huge french toast and purse lover too!

  18. Really great post! I love it!
    melanie @

  19. Loving all your loves especially PINK, travel, and baseball! And ugh to traffic.. the worst! And aging... definitely breaks my heart too :(

  20. I'm not a big fan of crowds either!

    Aging is sad to watch but it's a part of life. Circle of life and all. I hope to do it with as little pain as possible!

    I love the pink, travel, coffee!

  21. I'm with you on SO many of these things!
    Iced coffee, purses, traveling, kindness! And boo to fake people, and mean people. I agree--the world needs more real, kind people!!


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