Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Week One of My Shopping Ban

I completed the first week of my self imposed shopping ban. It wasn't as hard as I thought. I did go into some stores but I tried to just wander around never really focusing on anything. Instead of focusing on the items in the store, I focused on the sales associates. It was somewhat amusing to me to see how other sales associates go about things. Being one myself,  I was quite fascinated with their interactions with clients. Without getting to detailed, I would say that patience and respect go long way, both for the sales associates and the clients.

With the first week of my ban completed, I'm looking forward to my second week. I may actually be able to do this. I can be very determined when I put my mind to it.  Although, one day could ruin it for me and send me into some retail therapy.

Avoiding stores does help but will I be tempted by online shopping this week? Do you have any advice for me? Let me know, I love hearing from you!

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