Friday, June 3, 2016

Friday Five

Did this week fly by or was it just me?
While I love Monday's holidays, it 
left me confused all week.
I can't believe it is now Friday,
I was all mixed up on what day
it was all week.
Ugh, old's setting in.

Here is my Friday Five.


Wherever I go by OneRepublic

I'm so excited that OneRepublic is back
with a new album. I love them!
This song is so fab!


Brain Dead

This new show will air on CBS this summer. 
It is is a political thriller revolving around a woman who
 slowly uncovers a conspiracy: bugs are eating the
 brains of American politicians from the inside.
The only reason I'm interested in this show is because
Aaron Tveit will be in it and I adore him.


Tony Moly Aloe Face Mask Sheet

My sister loves this masks and gave me one to try.
It's awesome!! It left my skin so soft and hydrated.
My skin looked so great the next day.
These would be great after a long day 
at the beach. 


Donut Drink Holders

How cute are these??
They will be great for when I go to my pool
which does not allow for floats. There are no rules
about bringing coasters!
Urban Outfitters


That wraps up my Friday Five.
As I have been working non-stop lately, I'm
planning on doing a little bit of nothing
this weekend.

Have a Wonderful Weekend.

What are you loving this week??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie 

Linking up with Amanda and April
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  1. Not only do we get donut floaties but now our drinks get them too - so fun!! Hope the weekend is a fun one for you! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. those donut floaty things!!!! i must have them.

  3. I was all messed up this week too haha. Love the donut drink holders, adorable! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. LOL at the donut drink holders!!

  5. Wow what a great quote!! So true. This week was a rough one for me, but still kind of fast I guess. :) I didn't know that One Republic had a new song! I really got into their last album. We got to see them in concert and they were so fabulous! :) Happy Friday! XO - Alexandra

    Simply Alexandra: My Favorite Things

  6. I've been listening to One Republic on spotify latley! Love!!

  7. Happy Friday! That face mask sounds awesome-- I've seen that brand around and am going to look for that one the next time I'm picking up some new skin care.

  8. Shut up! How cute are those donut drink holders! I love One Republic so much, and didn't know they had a new album coming out!

  9. donut drink holders?! i want. and girl old age over here too. i need a weekend to recover from the short week haha. this week was a mess!

  10. You're the best Marie!! We love so many of the same things!! Give me those drink holders now, my mom and I are sitting in the beach today! ;-) Have a fantastic weekend beautiful friend!

  11. How cute are the donut holders! Now I really want to go to the pool haha! Hope you have a great weekend!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde's Moment

  12. Love those drink holders! They are so cute. I need to check that mask out too! Happy weekend girl!

  13. I love those donut drink holders! They really would be perfect for National Donut Day!

  14. Those floating drink holders are very neat and could come in handy! Hope you have an awesome weekend!


  15. I don't know, this week sure was a long one for a short one for me! I love those drink holders, so cute!! And face masks are my favorite. Will have to check it out. Have a great weekend!

  16. I had no idea One Republic had a new album out- love the new song! And those masks sounds perfect for after a long day at the beach, especially since it has soothing aloe. Those donut drink holders are a perfect way to get in some float action since you can't actually have floats. Enjoy your relaxing weekend!

  17. Obsessed with those donut drink holders! That face mask sounds awesome. I've been wanting to try a sheet mask!

  18. Those donut drink holders are the cutest!

  19. The mask sounds amazing and love your quote!

  20. Hmm that Brain Dead show sounds interesting, Walking Dead meets House of Cards perhaps? Haha nothing could be that good!

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  21. I'm having a wonderful weekend so far! Love one republic BTW!

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