Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday's Favorites-June 20th

Linking up with Meet @ the Barre.


Love runs out by OneRepublic

This song has been playing non stop this week.
I have been a fan of this band for years.
Ryan Tedder, the lead singer, is crazy talented.
He has produced so many hits for many other artists.
I think his work with his band is his best.
Although, I'm a little bias, I think they are awesome.

All by myself by Richard Dunn

JenniSixx told me about this video last week but I didn't get a chance to watch it until this week. I know always late to the party. Anyways, this video is hilarious!! I have watched it so many times and still keep laughing. Plus, I love this song. This guy is so funny, the best part is he did this all by himself (no pun intended). 

Explaining how he filmed himself despite being all alone in the airport,
 he wrote on his Vimeo page:

"I had a person behind a ticket counter give me a roll of luggage tape before she left. I then used a wheel chair that had a tall pole on the back of it and taped my iPhone to that. Then I would put it on the moving walkway for a dolly shot.
"I also used the extended handle on my computer bag and taped the iPhone to my handle. I would tuck different stuff under the bag to get the right angle.
"For the escalator shot I had to sprint up the steps after I got my shot so the computer bag didn’t hit the top and fall back down. Quite fun!"


I LOVE Instagram!!
 I must check it at least a few times a day. 
I think I love it so much becuase I just love looking at photos. 
If you are on Instagram, let me know.
I'm always looking for new people to follow.
Ps-I'm Mree43


YSL Top Secrets Flash Radiance Skincare Brush

I love a good face primer and I have been on the hunt for a new one. 
I feel like if you use a primer for too long, it no longer works which is the case with the one I have been using.  I received a deluxe sample of this and have been using it everyday.
 It illuminates and brightens my skin. It  also helps my foundation to stay "fresh" all day long.
It is rather pricey but I usually will splurge on face products. 
You only have one face, for me it's worth it.

YSL Top Secrets Flash Radiance Skincare Brush

Words of Wisdom

This quote really speaks to me. 
While I love shopping and getting new things, 
the older I get the less stuff I want.
 I want to experience things not have a closet filled with stuff I hardly use. 
I have been trying to buy less but for me, it's a struggle. 
I'm always tempted by the new shiny object in the store. 
  I'm  a work in progress.

That wraps up my Friday's Favorites. 
Looking forward to the weekend.
Will be back Monday with a wrap up of my weekend.


Much thanks to Amanda for letting me link up for Friday's Favorites.
Check out her blogMeet @ the Barre it's one of my daily reads.

What are your favorites this week?
Let me know, I love hearing from you.
Best, Mree

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  1. I love this quote too. I am always flat broke but that doesn't mean that I can't make fabulous memories!

    1. Exactly!!! I always try to find things I can do for free.

      Best, Mree

  2. Ah wasn't following you on insta - but that changed like 3 seconds ago!! I hadn't heard the one republic song - so thanks for sharing - love them! Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh thanks, I followed you back. Isn't that song great??? I love them too.

      Best, Mree

  3. Love instagram too... my favorite of the social medias out there. Happy Friday!

    1. Mine too!! I love looking at pictures.

      Best, Mree

  4. Haha I did see this video, and speaking of videos I love that Hyundai commercial with the little girl and The Runaways song.

    Allie of ALLIE NYC

    1. Oh I haven't seen that one. Will check it out, thanks.

      Best, Mree

  5. yes IG is one of my favorite apps for sure!! have a great weekend

    1. It's so fun. Hope your weekend was good.

      Best, Mree

  6. LOVE that quote, so very true.

  7. ummm how gorgeous are you! your skin is amazeee! and i'm completely 110% obsessed w/ your cartier watch so pretty!

    1. Oh you are sweet. Thanks darling!!

      Best, Mree

  8. Instagram is one of my favorite apps too- so addicting!


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