Monday, January 28, 2019

Life Lately

 Can you believe it is almost the end of January??
Where did the month go?? Normally, January is a pretty quiet month
but not this year. It's been crazy busy but in a good way.

Thought it would be fun to do a  Life Lately-Twin Edition.

We started the New Year off in NYC. Other than the monsoon
 on New Year's Eve, we had a super fun time. Saw a fantastic show,
indulged in some retail therapy and stuffed our faces. 

 Sugar Cookie Cookie Dough.
Sugar Cookie

 Retail therapy.

Said goodbye to Henri Bendel.
Going to miss that beautiful store.
Henri Bendel

Aaron Tveit at 54 Below, NYE

Best Iced Latte, we have ever had!!

The following weekend, we celebrated our 
Grandmother's 95th birthday!!

The following week, we headed back to NYC
and it sNOwed.

Nothing like NYC in the snow!!! And always,
make sure you have the correct footwear in
January. I didn't and well, I learned my lesson.
Never travel in January without a pair of
uggs in your bag!!

Oh I saw this in NYC and 
couldn't stop laughing.

This past weekend, we had another party
for my Grandmother with our
extended family!!

Phew, are you tired cause I am!!
Sorry, didn't realize how long this
post would be. So thanks for reading!!

That's what the twins have been up to.

What have you been up to lately??
Let us know, we love hearing from you!!

Best, Marie & Jenn

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  1. Aww happiest of birthday's to your sweet grandmother!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I love that your sweet grandma has been getting celebrated! She deserves all the love and so do you! What fun little trips to New York City and I love hearing about what you been up to lately!

  3. Ahhh - grandma!! So sweet! 95 - that's incredible!

  4. I thought the month was super long lol maybe just me? Christmas feels like 6 months ago haha

    Happy Birthday to your sweet grandma

  5. Happy birthday to your adorable grandma!! That cake is awesome!!!! I love NYC - snow or no snow! Have a great week Marie and Jenn!

  6. Ah very cool you were able to get to NY. And my birthday is this month too, in fact it is today! Happy Birthday to your grandma and yep retail therapy is always a good idea

    Allie of

  7. Awww... happy birthday to your grandma! 95 is quite a milestone! NYC is the best. There's always something fun and exciting to do!

  8. Cheers to your Grandma! Happy, Happy birthday to her as I'm sure she's a blessing in your life.

  9. Happy birthday Grandma!! I need some of that sugar cookie cookie dough! Yum!

  10. Happy birthday to your Grandma! I'm glad you had a nice time in NYC. Seeing Aaron Tveit would have been awesome.


  11. I love snow in NYC. It is sooo beautiful!

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