Monday, May 7, 2018


Linking up with The Blended Blogs for a 
little fun Q and A-
All Things Entertainment

1. Comedy or Drama?
Marie- Depends on my mood.
Jenn- Comedy.

2. Fiction or Non-Fiction?
Marie- A little bit of both.
Jenn- Non-Fiction.

3. Movies in Theater or At Home?
Marie-  In a theater. 
I really don't watch movies 
and couldn't tell you the last movie
I saw in a theater. It's been that long. 
Jenn- Both

4. Musical or Play?
Marie- Musicals, love them.

*we saw Hamilton in London and loved it*

5. Which Meal of the day is your favorite to eat out?
Jenn- I love to eat all my meals out. 

6. Favorite Book ever read? 
Marie- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn.
Jenn- Edgar Allan Poe The Raven.

7. Game Night: Yes or No? 
Marie- Yes.
Jenn- Yes.

8. Favorite Outside Game to play?
Marie- Tennis.
Jenn-  Kick ball.

9. Favorite TV Series ever?
Marie- Games of Thrones!!
Jenn- Sons of Anarchy. 

10. Sitcoms growing up or Sitcoms of today?
Marie- I will say growing up as I don't
watch any sitcoms now. Although, I did
watch Fuller House and loved it.
Jenn-  Growing up!
 I don’t think any of the sitcoms on these days are funny.
 I have tried to watch a few of them, and none of them 
made me laugh. A few chuckles, but that’s about it

11. Miniature Golf or Bowling?
Marie- Neither, I'm terrible at both
and refuse to play. I hate mini golf because
I'm so bad at it. Like really bad. And it's always
the loser buys the ice cream. Without fail, I'm
always buying the ice cream.
Jenn-  MINI GOLF and I'm really good at it.
*she cheats*-Marie

12. Favorite Movie Theater Candy?
Marie- Reese Pieces.
Jenn-  Ohhh tough one! 
I’ll go with raisinets

13. How do you like your popcorn?
Marie- With butter.
Jenn- With butter.
My boyfriend and I go to the movies alot
and I usually come home with the leftover popcorn,
Marie gets mad when I don't. haha
She LOVES movie theater popcorn.

14. 3D movies with the glasses; Yes or No?
Marie- NO, hate it. It's too hard wearing 
TWO pairs of glasses.  
 Jenn- NO! 
Those 3D glasses are so annoying
 to wear! 

15. Favorite Genre of Books to Read?
Marie- Historical Fiction.
 Jenn- True Crime.

It's so fun doing this little Q and A's because
as you can see, Jenn and I are alike but 
also very different. haha

Now, it's your turn, leave your
answers in the comments below.
Best, Marie & Jenn

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  1. Yes , this was soooo fun!!! Oh how I am with you on the yucky 3D glasses..ugh!! I love how you can tell form your answers that you guys have fun with it and that makes my heart happy. Have a sweet start to your week!

  2. I think sitcoms back in the day were so much better which is why they keep remaking them now LOL! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  3. With butter in popcorn is the best!! So fun to see two different sets of answers :-)

  4. Love reading both responses and YES TO KICKBALL!

  5. Love historical fiction, too. Would love to hear some of your favorites.

  6. I'm totally with both of y'all on loving musicals! I think that seeing Hamilton in London must have been so interesting because it's about us getting our freedom from England, and they definitely make fun of the king throughout the play. We just saw it when it came through Houston and loved every minute of it and have been listening to the music nonstop too!

  7. Oh my goodness! I'm so jealous that you guys saw Hamilton live! Totally on my bucket list!

  8. Hamilton is on my to-see list too!
    LOVE the indecisiveness - ladies after my own heart!
    I forgot about SOA - frigging LOVED that series! Emotional roller coaster!

  9. I love tennis too! Especially in the summer :)


  10. I love when you do these things together! Musicals are the best!

  11. I didn't even think about kick ball for outside. It is always fun to play. I love my popcorn with lots of butter too.

  12. Ooh I do think true crime is fascinating sometimes. I'm so jealous you saw Hamiltion - and in London!! I LOVE musicals.


  13. Hamilton?! Ah so jealous! Loved reading this!

  14. A Tree Grows in Brooklyn has been on my list to read forever and I need to finally make it a priority! I'm really bad at bowling and mini golf too-- thankfully I'm not very competitive, lol.


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