Wednesday, March 18, 2015

What I'm Loving Wednesday and Hump Day Confessions

Linking up with Melissa, Jodi, & Rachel.


What I'm Loving Wednesday and Hump Day Confessions 

I confess that I have really struggled with blogging lately.
 It's hard coming up with blog post ideas.
 I feel like I have nothing to add to the blogging world. 

I'm loving that after a very very long winter, the snow is FINALLY starting to melt. 
The massive snow banks that are all over the place are slowly getting smaller. 
It's starting to get easier to drive and walk around.
 You can even see grass!! 
I will miss the snowman when he is gone.

I confess that I cannot stop binge watching on Netflix. 
Currently, I'm watching  Season Four of The Killing. 
 What should I binge watch next?
 Should I be concerned about how much t.v. I'm watching lately or what?

I'm loving this big pink Peep Bunny. 
Isn't it adorable. 
I was about to purchase it until I saw that it was $50.00
Ugh, no thank you.

I confess that I hate sitting in traffic on my way home from work. 
I can tolerate it in the morning but  NOT on the way home.  
Anyone else feel that the traffic going home is sometimes worse than the 
morning traffic?? It also makes me crazy when the person in front of me is 
talking on the phone rather than paying attention to what is in front of them.
 Get off the phone and drive!! 

That is what I'm loving this week and some confessions. 

Happy Hump Day!!

What' are you loving this week or what is your confession??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Marie
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  1. That peep was $50???? It was so cute though ;-) Oh I am with you! I get the worst road rage traffic! Just think about that amazing vacation is just around the corner!!!!

  2. That is one big peep! I am so happy the snow is finally melting, I will be glad when it is gone! My drive home is usually easier than going but I leave before rush hour so that helps.

  3. ugh i hear you on the blog post ideas. i am flying by the seat of my pants most days! and that's if i can get a post out or not. i def don't do 5 days a week :) yay for snow melting - you guys need some spring already!

  4. So glad your snow is finally melting. Sending you spring thoughts!

    That peep is precious! Big, but precious!

  5. I saw grass for the first time in I dont even know how long and it was amazing!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Cheers to the snow melting bc it just gets ugly after awhile! Also, I'm addicted to binge watching!!! haha

  7. I feel the same way about blogging lately. I love to read everyone's posts but when it comes time to write my own I just don't feel inspired.

  8. Oh man, it was 85 here yesterday. So odd to see snow! & I totally feel you, I've been the same way about blogging. Sometimes it's hard to find inspiration.

    Stopping by from the HDC link-up!

  9. Part of the reason I quit my job is bc of traffic. 2-3 hours each way. I couldn't deal with 6-hour daily commutes. It's def worse on the way home!

    Since I'm just getting back into blogging so I feel ya on the trouble coming up with ideas.

  10. OMG that giant peep made me giggle out load!!

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  11. I'm so happy the snow is melting but now it must warm up. Freaking freezing out today!! Hate peeps but love that stuffed one! Lol! Thanks for linking up w/ us!!!!

  12. I totally understand about no motivation to blog! It's so hard at times. Thankfully this link up gives me at least one topic a week. Lol. I am so with you on binge watching shows! There is a great show called Murdoch Mysteries on Netflix, but sadly they only have 3 seasons (there are 8 seasons). It's a Canadian show (so the seasons are pretty short). I found the other seasons on some other websites). What kind of shows do you like? I"m a professional binge Netflix watcher. Lol.

  13. Sitting in traffic after work is the absolute worst. I simply cannot deal with it! Glad your snow it melting! Also blogging is hard sometimes but don't think you need to add anything to the blogging world. Just do you and enjoy the ride :)


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