Monday, January 12, 2015


Linking up with B Loved BostonChampagne and Suburbs for Weekending.

Oh Monday, you come to fast. 

Why can't the weekend be a little longer??

I wish I only worked 5 days a week instead of 6.

Yes, I totally work too much.

Here are some snaps from my weekend. 

Olaf in bed.

How great is this sign?

Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae

Weekend Reading

Major name fail. 
How do you get Bernie from Marie??

Daryl Dixon Wallet
Seriously, how hot is he??

As you can see,  I really didn't do much this weekend.
Other than run a few earrands, it was pretty low key.
Honestly, I don't mind it at all.
This is one of my busiest months at work, 
so I appreciate a nice relaxing Saturday.
Although, it does make for a rather boring post.

How was your weekend??
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree
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  1. Oh Starbucks baristas i think they go to school to butcher names like that!! Was that sign from Marshall's if so hope you got it because it's perfect! happy Monday! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  2. hi dear...very nice pics

  3. Thats so funny! My moms name is Bernie and they always put MARIE haha!

    Sounds like the BEST weekend! Would love for you to linkup your weekend on my blog too:)

    -Lisa @ Showered With Design

  4. Oh that sundae looks delish! Bernie? Really Starbucks? Looks like you got a lot done though.

  5. Uh, I will officially be working at least 13 days in a row. I'm on day 8 right now. Bernie?! WOW. Daryl is the best character!!! He's such a tough dude. Love him! Just finished Season 4!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  6. Relaxing weekends are my favorite! I love that glittery sign and I totally have US Weekly to catch up on as well!

  7. That IS a cool sign! And love the phone case. I recently got in to Walking Dead and Norman Reedus is a hottie.

    Allie of ALLIENYC

  8. OMG I need that fashionista sign! SO cute! And that sundae looks so amazing! YUM!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  9. Oh that cookie sundae photo.... I want to dive in and stuff my face!!
    That fashionista sign is adorable!!

  10. Olaf in bed looks too cute!! and that sundae ... YUM!

  11. How fabulous would that fashionista sign be in a big walk in closet? Dreaming of closets can't you tell....


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