Monday, April 29, 2013

Focus on what's important.


Sometimes when life gets so busy and overwhelming, it gets very hard to focus on the good rather than dwell on the negatives. Life has been so hectic that I find myself overwhelmed and focusing just on the negative. As JenniSixx will tell you, I can be very negative. In fact, she tells me all the time to be more positive. 

I saw this pin on Pinterest and it really spoke to me. 
I need to focus on what's important and let go of the negatives. 
Positive thoughts, Positive thoughts.

How do you stay positive?
Let me know, I love hearing from you!!
Best, Mree

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  1. I totally understand, I totally look at the bad more than I should. Good for you for reminding yourself - and me :)

  2. omgosh i love this! and this is so true.. you never capture moments when you're sad or angry only happy :) if only we lived this on the daily!!!

  3. This is a beautiful quote, love the camera metaphor :)



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