On Monday night, JenniSixx and I attended the Boston Bloggers event. It was held at the Mass Ave Tavern. We both were a little nervous about attending as we didn't know what to expect. However, the event was fantastic and we really enjoyed it. It was great to meet so many fabulous bloggers.
The first person we met was Alison Long Distance Loving who was also the host. She greeted us both warmly and really put us at ease with her graciousness.
Next up, we met Molly from Wicked Cheap Boston. She was super friendly and made us very feel welcome.
We also met Amanda from Prim and Propah. She is the sweetest thing who gave us great blogging advice. Thanks Amanda!! Amanda introduced us to her good friend, Kristin from Bishop & Rook, who is a new blogger. She told us how she was a fan of our blog.How cool was that!! She is adorable.
Then we ran into Lesley from Lipsticks and Hairbows and her friend Brenda (soon to be blogger). Lesley and Brenda were both hilarious and we really enjoyed talking to them as we all have alot in common.
Last but not least, we met Redheaded Jen from Losing the Shadow. She is a redhead, hence the name. How cool is that? She was super sweet and has gorgeous red hair.
All and all, we both had a fantastic time. It was really great to meet so many people who were passionate about blogging and really supportive. We are looking forward to attending another event.
Are you a Boston Blogger? Let us know, we love hearing from you!
Best, M & J.
What a neat idea! I've never attended a bloggers' meet other than privately catching up with a blogger or two. Sounds like great fun and a good way to network.